Mauritius IFC



Discover how Bhumishq empowers financial technologies
and fintech platforms for Africa, Latin America,
ASEAN and intra-IFCs.





The African continent remains the last economic frontier with significant economic potential. However, challenges hinder investments. Fragmentation of markets, regulatory and compliance hurdles, lack of security of investments, scale inhibitions, legal and fiscal complications, long maturity cycles and paucity of exit of capital investments inter alia result in private sector investments not prioritizing if not shying away from African markets.

Nevertheless, opportunities lie in challenges. Legacy free Africa has the opportunity to leapfrog in the digital services segments as a result of the increasing penetration of the internet and smart devices.

Likewise, Africa has embraced the rapid digitalization of brokerage and gaming services with more and more digital payments channels.

Likewise, Latin America offers emerging markets growth potential.

Similarly, ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand) represent an emerging if not maturing opportunity for Western brokerage, gaming and payment service providers for diversifying their revenue geographies.

The opportunities are in the sectors of brokerage, gaming and payment service providers (e/m payment gateways). All the three segments are under serious costs and regulatory pressures. Therefore, costs optimization rank very high priority for operators and a reputed regulatory umbrella provides confidence for customers.

The opportunity for the Mauritius IFC constitute digital platforms, regulatory set-up, technology and business operations for SPVs for cross-border payments, brokerage and gaming activities. The Mauritius IFC offers unique value proposition and sustainable competitive advantage in the B2B and B2B2B2C services in the digital and financial technologies and fintech platforms and B2B Software as a Service (SAAS) segments within the cross-border payments, brokerage and gaming value chain. The need for localization does not make the Mauritius IFC suitable for B2C business in regulated industries.

The Mauritius IFC has created specific licenses for specific SPVs for cross-border payments, brokerage and gaming activities.

  • Payment Intermediary Service License
  • Investment Dealer License

Moreover, in most cases, the GBL license becomes useful and for larger enterprises, the global treasury activities licenses can be quite attractive.